Estudei cerâmica e pintei vasos e azulejos, até reencontrar o óleo sobre tela aos 18 anos, e entregar, desde então, boa parte de minha energia em obras ora figurativas ora surreais ou abstratas
Já se vão 30 anos, casamento, filhos (Sarah e Cássio), a perda da visão de um olho, muitas fases, mas a paixão continua, me fazendo colocar em cada obra um universo de intenções.
Sou apaixonado pela beleza estética de cavalos, pássaros e do próprio ser humano, além de grande admirador dos mestres do passado, procuro me mostrar atento aos novos movimentos, técnicas e talentos, que acompanho com interesse e que me influenciam, quer no tracejado despojado encontrado em muitas HQs e obras de grafite, ou nas posições dos motivos no espaço milimetricamente calculado das obras hiper-realistas.
Paulista, natural de São Caetano do Sul, participei de diversas exposições e oficinas; estudei na Faculdade Belas Artes de São Paulo e no SENAI Mario Amato de São Bernardo do Campo/SP; lecionei em cursos e oficinas de artes no SESC e em escolas públicas e privadas.
Ever since I was little, I have been attracted to the strong colors, the smell of paint, the brightness and shapes found on the canvases my father painted in his free time. I was won over by a craft that I consider both an addiction and a therapy, part of what defines and describes me.
I studied ceramics and painted vases and tiles, until I rediscovered oil on canvas at the age of 18, and since then I have devoted much of my energy to works that are sometimes figurative, sometimes surreal or abstract.
Thirty years have passed, marriage, children (Sarah and Cássio), the loss of vision in one eye, many phases, but the passion continues, making me put a universe of intentions into each work. I am passionate about the aesthetic beauty of horses, birds and human beings themselves, and I am also a great admirer of the masters of the past. I try to be attentive to new movements, techniques and talents, which I follow with interest and which influence me, whether in the simple lines found in many comics and graffiti works, or in the positions of the motifs in the meticulously calculated space of hyper-realistic works.
And in these and other works, I look for what helps me evolve and put into each work a little of my essence and vision of the environment that surrounds me, trying to imprint in each work, sometimes, the light and subtle look, and at other times, the striking colors and abstract flourishes with which I compose them.
Although I also believe in the importance of theoretical and historical study and the search for an art that reflects its time, I understand that practice always adds up, from the most obvious draft to the most elaborate sketch.
A native of São Paulo, born in São Caetano do Sul, I have participated in several exhibitions and workshops; I studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts in São Paulo and at SENAI Mario Amato in São Bernardo do Campo/SP; I taught art courses and workshops at SESC and in public and private schools.